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30x40mm Telescope

Objective: 40mm

Focal Length: 382mm

Focal Ratio: f/9.55

Eyepiece: 30x

Tripod: Detachable metal tripod


50x50mm Telescope

Objective: 50mm

Focal Length: 705 mm

Focal Ratio: f/14.1

Eyepiece: 50x

Tripod: Detachable metal tripod


30x30mm Telescope

Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 251mm

Focal Ratio: f/8.37

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x

Tripod: Easy-to-assemble tripod


40x30mm Telescope

Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 346mm

Focal Ratio: f/11.53

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x, 40x

Tripod: Easy-to-assemble tripod


40x40mm Telescope

Objective: 40mm

Focal Length: 570mm

Focal Ratio: f/14.25

Eyepiece: 40x

Tripod: Detachable metal tripod


40x30mm Telescope

Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 420mm

Focal Ratio: f/14

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x, 40x

Tripod: Detachable tripod


20x50mm Fieldscope

Objective: 50mm

Focal Length: 354mm

Focal Ratio: f/7.08

Eyepiece: 20x

Tripod: Robust universal tripod (#561)

40x30mm Telescope

Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 508mm

Focal Ratio: f/16.9

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x, 40x

Tripod: Easy-to-assemble tripod


681 Fieldscope
30x30mm Telescope



Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 251mm

Focal Ratio: f/8.37

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x

Tripod: Mini universal tripod (#550)


40x30mm Telescope


Objective: 30mm

Focal Length: 346mm

Focal Ratio: f/11.53

Eyepiece: 20x, 30x, 40x

Tripod: Mini universal tripod (#550)


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